The world didn't end.. But if it did, I spent my day at Six Flags. It's the week before school is out for summer and there were barely any long lines. The longest we waited for a ride was 50 minutes which is pretty good considering it was Six Flags.
I went with three guys and honestly, I prefered it that way. There were so lucid with whatever they wanted to say or do. They just
did it. I envy people who take advantage of freedom of speech. I could never just freely talk about something socially unacceptable in public.
A lot of random things happened that day:
This lady and her daughter stole me and my friends seat when we were putting our stuff down at the landing dock. It was a slightly awkward and funny situation. We looked back and the lady was smiling and laughing... And she waved! I laughed too but the type of awkward laugh - "what are you doing?" When the other two guys got off, they were being really obvious that they disliked the lady. It's sucks that the Six Flags employee say the whole thing and didn't do anything about it. He told us to exit the dock area.. It's whatever because we left to go to more extreme rides.
There was also a lady with a numb for one of her legs. It's either she took her disability too far or the guys were being disrespectful because when I returned to the guys, there was tension in the air. I tried to make a scene but they told me to shut up and we walked away. Supposedly, Paul skipped her in line and she didn't like that at all. I'm pretty sure he was there first.
I always fail to ride Batman at Six Flags but I do remember riding Goliath, Mind Bender, bumper cars, the swing ride, Superman, Thunder River, and a little water ride that makes us fall down a waterfall with a big splash. I loved the Thunder River the most because it was hilarious being in a boat with strangers and watching their reactions.
The group (left to right): Cee, Matt, Paul, Me |
I won a supergirl cap and a squid hat.