About Me

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Hey! I see you've made it to my blog. My name is Dominique and if you've already skimmed through my blog a bit, I'm a teenager who believes in documenting bits and pieces of her life online. Nothing on the internet is forever gone so it's like a snapshot of my life and interests.

Monday, February 21, 2011

3 Months!

I'm late but it's been 3 months since my big chop. My hair is growing like weeds! I'm so excited and people have noticed the growth. My hair from my widow's peak is a little past my eyebrow (sorry no picture).
I recently did a twist-out while I was home with my brothers on Sunday.

This is when I was half way done

I'm terrible at this

When I say 'this' I mean blogging. It's mean a whole month since I've been on blogger and it sucks because I had my heart set on blogging.
It's weird. At times, I have the need to type something but I don't know what. I'm at lost for words most of the time. I'm horrible at confrontation and I actually get nervous just thinking about it. (Some) People see me as brave and uncaring but I struggle with little things like conversations and other stuff. I criticize people in my head just to keep myself from thinking about the one person I should be worried about. Myself.

Anyway, I recently went to the Bronner Brothers' International Hair Show on Saturday, February 19, 2011. It was fun and I got to meet a naturalista that I watch on YouTube.
I actually saw a lot of interesting hairstyles that I posted on facebook and my other blog.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Experience or lack of

I’m seventeen years old with little experience in anything in life.
People around me expect me to go crazy in college.
I won’t give them that satisfaction because I’m small and can be easily taken over if I’m not in my right state of mind.
I guess that’s one of my greatest fears, not having control over myself.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I've noticed that my hair gets springier the longer I go without a co-wash.
I love co-washing my hair but I also like playing with my hair in class, just playings with the springs.

Decisions, decisions. I'll allow my hair to do it's thing this week and see if I like this routine.

Maroon and Grey

Thursday, February 3, 2011

School bums

I've always wanted to ask kids why do they give teachers a hard time. Is it worth it? What about the kids who actually want to learn? I'm one of those kids who just needs the information so that I can be done with the class by the end of the year. All of the unnecessary fights with the teacher just takes away time that could of been spent learning the material so they wouldn't feel the need to ask someone who was paying attention, "What just happened?"

Do people have it so bad at home that they resort to that behavior at school?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I decided to remake a flickr account and post my pictures on there. It just makes life easier for me.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

you know that feeling when you just feel alone even though people will disagree that you are?
i constantly feel that way. does that mean i’m depressed or i just want new companionship? i just don’t feel connected. everyone around me has a weekend plan and is excited for their plans and i just sit there and think, “aw, that’s nice.”
i’m not the type of person to just jump into a conversation.. heck. i’m dislike making the first move period, but i do it… sometimes, when the person is just as alone as i am. 
the thing about my school is that everyone has their group of friends and it’s like a wall. i’m on the other side and no matter how hard i try to climb over it, i can’t get over that wall. 
if you knew me, you’d know my attempts at trying to make plans end up in a bust. even then, i have to think hard about the people i invite because i don’t have those “ah-ha” moments where i can just list off a number of people i’d want to hang out with. 
my life as a teenager only has small moments of excitement and the rest of it is just wishing for people to talk to on the regular bases.