About Me

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Hey! I see you've made it to my blog. My name is Dominique and if you've already skimmed through my blog a bit, I'm a teenager who believes in documenting bits and pieces of her life online. Nothing on the internet is forever gone so it's like a snapshot of my life and interests.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Just Another Day in the Life

I don't know what's up with school but I get extremely depressed when I'm on the bus. Maybe it's because I have AP Calculus for first period? That's one of my theories. I get this overwhelming feeling and I just don't want to talk or even be in the presence of others. Another theory I have is that it's 6AM. My circadian rhythm is trying to tell me to get back on schedule which won't happen til winter break; why is it taking so long? Sigh.

My mom told me that I'll be flying to Florida on Thursday morning so I'll miss two days of testing and review. I won't say that I regret it. I hope it's warmer in Florida than it is here. Low 30s and high 40s. I just hate it!

My favorite website is up again. It's been down for about 24 hours and I kept checking to see if it was up frequently, throughout the night and day. That's what you call an addiction. I think I might have to cancel my account once it's time to apply to college and scholarships. Yea, I think I'll just deactivate my twitter, facebook, tumblr, youtube, and not login to my IMs.

Life is harsh when you get easily distracted.
 Oh, by the way, I'm wearing a curly 'fro in those pictures. I'm just in love with the simplicity of my hair now. Just moisturize and go.

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