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Hey! I see you've made it to my blog. My name is Dominique and if you've already skimmed through my blog a bit, I'm a teenager who believes in documenting bits and pieces of her life online. Nothing on the internet is forever gone so it's like a snapshot of my life and interests.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

School bums

I've always wanted to ask kids why do they give teachers a hard time. Is it worth it? What about the kids who actually want to learn? I'm one of those kids who just needs the information so that I can be done with the class by the end of the year. All of the unnecessary fights with the teacher just takes away time that could of been spent learning the material so they wouldn't feel the need to ask someone who was paying attention, "What just happened?"

Do people have it so bad at home that they resort to that behavior at school?

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