About Me

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Hey! I see you've made it to my blog. My name is Dominique and if you've already skimmed through my blog a bit, I'm a teenager who believes in documenting bits and pieces of her life online. Nothing on the internet is forever gone so it's like a snapshot of my life and interests.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


There's a group of teenagers outside of my neighbor's house and I had to walk passed them and I noticed the air that surrounded them.. Well, it was more like an aura. It was like a teen movie. I was amazed at the height difference between them and me and how they all were just chillin', having a good time. For a second, I wanted to go up to them and try to fit in but I looked down at my attire, pajama pants and house slippers, and was reminded of why I was outside in the first place.
I was one decision away from possibly making friends in my neighborhood... Oh well. 

1 comment:

  1. First of all, your blog is REALLY cute! Secondly, fitting in should be the least of your worries. Being different is a good thing. Next time, give them a smirk or simply say "hello" because making new friends is always fun. Don't feel awkward or anything like that because at some point in time, everyone is an "outsider"

    = )

    A cool site for teenagers to check out is http:brownstonezine.blogspot.com (I write for them) LoL Maybe you can do a post or two for us!

    Keep us posted... Again, I love your blog!
